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Column Searching Criteria
What Whenever we are in a particular table view, the data may be quite extensive and perhaps har...
Update Model
What In every view of the FileWave WebAdmin, you are going to see this icon () in the header rig...
Search Criteria
What The general upper-right Search tool () will search for devices from within any view in the ...
Exporting Data
What From almost any view in the FileWave WebAdmin you can export the data in the current view. ...
FileWave Dashboard Intro
What The FileWave Dashboard provides summary information about your FileWave server, your deploy...
4.2 Grafana Alert Configuration
What Set up Alerts for those times you want to be notified. Alerts are only available for Visua...
4.1 Grafana Email Configuration
What Use the below method to configure email in Grafana When/Why Email must be configured in a...
3.2 Extra Metrics
What We learned in the 3.1 section how to build our own custom panels. "Extra Metrics" is an in...
3.1.4 Creating your Data Panel
What Now that we have our data being passed over to the dashboard, and we know how to access it,...
3.1.3 "Exploring" Your New Aggregate Data
What We don't have to jump right in to creating a proper reporting panel for our new data. Many...
3.1.2 Testing the Prometheus Scrape
What Assume for a moment you made a typo in the yml file, or some other problem occurs and your ...
3.1.1 Grouping Data Using Prometheus
What In order to do summary reporting, we need to leverage the power of Prometheus. When/Why A...
3.1 Aggregating Data
What Up until now, we have been talking about the capability of the FileWave dashboard to show d...
1.6 Exposing an Association to Dashboard (v14+)
What With the new FileWave Dashboard, it is possible to track the status of any deployment graph...
1.5 Dashboard Panel/Widget Layout
What The dashboard panels are highly customizable and allow you to change the appearance of your...
1.4 Switching Between Dashboards
What Switching between various dashboards is the first thing you are going to want to do once yo...
1.3 FileWave Provided Dashboards
What FileWave provides a number of default dashboards, some of which will be useful to you direc...
1.2 Default Dashboard
What Once you access the dashboard, you are going to be presented with a default system dashboar...
1.1 Accessing the FileWave Dashboard
What Your account will need permission to access the FileWave Dashboard. When/Why There are th...
FileWave Anywhere API (v2)
What Hopefully it is now clear that FileWave Anywhere (formerly called WebAdmin) functions by ma...