Filesets / Payloads
Filesets in Central and Payloads in Anywhere are the same thing. As an IT administrator, you use FileWave Filesets to deliver software to devices.
General Fileset workflow
Distributing content with FileWave is done with a simple workflow that can add complexity as need...
FileWave Fileset Types
Filesets in FileWave are content that you want to distribute. They can take several forms, and th...
Fileset Groups
You can arrange Filesets into Groups for easier deployment workflows. Fileset Groups can be neste...
Advanced Fileset Editing - Contents, Properties, Settings, and Dependencies
While you can create a Fileset and associate it with a Client without doing any additional steps....
Fileset Scripts
Fileset Scripts Overview
FileWave 11+ provides the ability to run a script at any of seven stages of Fileset deployment (c...
Fileset / Payload Script Exit Code Status
Script Exit Codes When a script runs, one of the below errors may be the outcome. ...
Windows Requirement Script Examples
Requirement scripts are executed on client devices with each tickle interval, 2 minutes by defaul...
Filesets - A Closer Look
Contents, Properties, Settings, Revisions and Dependencies
Filesets View
Creating a Fileset and deploying to clients can be relatively simplistic, e.g. PKG, MSI or VPP. ...
Desktop File Level Filesets
Contents of a file level Fileset will be delivered to devices, with matching permissions and owne...
Desktop PKG and MSI Filesets
What Special Filesets may be created for PKG and MSI installers. These will automatically insta...
There are three primary verification settings. Each of these settings causes the related file(s) ...
Windows Registry
Windows registry files may be included within a Filesets and edited within FileWave.
Apple VPP Apps
Unlike File Level Filesets, Apple VPP Filesets contain the details of the App from the App Store,...
Enterprise Filesets and Documents (iOS only)
Apps developed outside of the App Store may also be delivered to devices, where developer require...
Apple Profile Filesets
Profiles utilise Apple’s defined payloads, allowing management or configuration of User and Syste...
Android Apps
Android Filesets are created from either the public or private Play Store. Additionally, Web App...
Fileset Properties
Properties exist for most Filesets, but options displayed will vary depending upon Fileset type. ...
Dependencies offer a way to associate multiple Filesets with reliance upon other Filesets to be i...
Previously, updating one version of a software, for example, to a newer version, would require: a...
Using Associations with Filesets
The Associations pane is the primary location where you connect your Filesets to your Clients. Th...
Fileset Association types and precedence
There are several ways Filesets may be associated with devices, and the method used will affect a...
Associations to Deployments Strategy Guide
Deployments are the replacement for Associations as you move forward with FileWave in future. De...
How Are Deployments Different than Associations?
What Deployments are not exactly the same as associations, but they are very, very similar. You ...
What makes Deployments better than Associations?
What Deployments are new, and will replace Associations entirely eventually. But, does this make...
How to decide what is included in a single deployment?
What So deployments allow us to put together multiple payloads for deployment in an easy way and...
Combining payloads into a singular deployment based on metadata
What Every deployment has related metadata about the content being deployed. That is, HOW it sho...
Should I create one, or multiple Deployments?
What We have established in the previous article that you can combine any payloads or destinatio...
The FileWave Associations-to-Deployment Conversion Tool
What We’ve covered in other articles what types of content we might put together in a singular d...
Resolving Conflicts in Associations Conversion
What The guidance we have given in other articles is about making sure metadata matches when con...
Explanation of Clones with Deployments
What Clones are a theoretical concept in FileWave. A clone represents a symbolic link to an actu...
Deployments in FileWave Central (v15+)
What FileWave Deployments (the next generation of Associations) are now fully implemented in Fil...
Fileset Tools
Along with all of the editing and modification capabilities you have with Filesets, there is also...
Fileset (Payload) Status in Inventory
What It has long been possible to compile "FileSet Reports" in the FileSet view within the FileW...
Fileset Reports
When you select a Fileset, Filesets, or Fileset Group, you can select the Report toolbar button t...
Custom MSI installer parameters
What Starting with FileWave 15.2.0 it is now possible to add custom parameters to MSI Filesets. ...
How to Enter Launch Arguments for Windows Setup.exe Installers
When deploying Windows applications using their native installers, command line parameters must t...
How to Force a Reboot of macOS or Windows Devices after Installing a Fileset in FileWave v14.10+
What The Force Reboot feature is a new functionality that is available in FileWave v14.10.0. Thi...
Fileset Magic
Fileset Revisions
Fileset Revisions Overview
What Fileset (payload) revisions allow you maintain two (or more) different versions of the same...
Associating a Fileset Revision
What When you attempt to associate a fileset that has revisions, you'll notice a slightly differ...
Editing Filesets that have Revisions
What Of course from time to time you want to edit your pre-existing filesets. How does editing ...
Managing Revisions
What There are quite a number of things we can do to "manage" revisions. We can create new revi...
"Default" Revisions
What What are default revisions? An excellent question indeed. Default revisions are a way of ...
Creating a New Revision
What Creating a new fileset is the same as it always has been, but in some way, shape or fashion...
Editing Fileset Revisions
What Revisions themselves have some properties that can be edited: namely the name and the descr...
Removing/Deleting a Revision
Removing/Deleting a Revision (v14+) What We can create revisions, so of course we want to be ab...
Uninstalling Filesets
Uninstalling Filesets Creating installation Filesets is one of the key aspects to FileWave devic...