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Filesets / Payloads

Filesets in Central and Payloads in Anywhere are the same thing. As an IT administrator, you use FileWave Filesets to deliver software to devices.

General Fileset workflow

Distributing content with FileWave is done with a simple workflow that can add complexity as need...

Desktop Filesets

Desktop / laptops Filesets are designed for use on macOS and Windows computers. The Fileset types...

Mobile Filesets

For your mobile devices, the selection of possible Filesets is much smaller. App Store Fileset...

Fileset Groups

You can arrange Filesets into Groups for easier deployment workflows. Fileset Groups can be neste...

Advanced Fileset Editing - Contents, Properties, Settings, and Dependencies

While you can create a Fileset and associate it with a Client without doing any additional steps....

Fileset Scripts

Filesets - A Closer Look

Contents, Properties, Settings, Revisions and Dependencies

Using Associations with Filesets

The Associations pane is the primary location where you connect your Filesets to your Clients. Th...

Fileset Association types and precedence

There are several ways Filesets may be associated with devices, and the method used will affect a...

Associations to Deployments Strategy Guide

Deployments are the replacement for Associations as you move forward with FileWave in future. De...

Fileset Tools

Along with all of the editing and modification capabilities you have with Filesets, there is also...

Fileset (Payload) Status in Inventory

What It has long been possible to compile "FileSet Reports" in the FileSet view within the FileW...

Fileset Reports

When you select a Fileset, Filesets, or Fileset Group, you can select the Report toolbar button t...

Custom MSI installer parameters

What Starting with FileWave 15.2.0 it is now possible to add custom parameters to MSI Filesets. ...

How to Enter Launch Arguments for Windows Setup.exe Installers

When deploying Windows applications using their native installers, command line parameters must t...

How to Force a Reboot of macOS or Windows Devices after Installing a Fileset in FileWave v14.10+

What The Force Reboot feature is a new functionality that is available in FileWave v14.10.0. Thi...

Fileset Magic

Fileset Revisions


Uninstalling Filesets

Uninstalling Filesets Creating installation Filesets is one of the key aspects to FileWave devic...