Customizing Views
Many views within the FileWave WebAdmin have tables in them that can be customized to match your needs.
We will customize views when we find there is a data element missing from a table we'd like to add, when we'd like to sort records in a different way, and even to rearrange column order.
Each of the customization options are detailed in the below articles, and apply generally to almost all web admin table views.
Column Searching Criteria
What Whenever we are in a particular table view, the data may be quite extensive and perhaps har...
Columns Adding and Removing (Customizing)
What The Edit Fields tool allows you to choose to display/hide additional inventory fields beyon...
Columns Pinning
What Pinning columns allows you to make sure that a particular column is always where you want i...
Columns Sorting & Moving
What Once we have customized a table view to contain the columns we want, it makes sense for us ...