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NAT Support for Client Monitor/Verify


Especially with devices being remote from a corporate or school network more and more, it is very important we can manage devices while they are remote in all ways.  Version 14.5+ of FileWave introduces the ability to send a Verify command to a device no matter what network it is on.


Historically Client Monitor tools required direct "network line-of-sight" to be able to manage devices.  Chief among those tools is the ability to send a Verify, especially while testing a new payload or fileset.  With FileWave, you'll be able to use this tool regardless of whether the client device is NATed away from your admin console.


It is very simple to send a Verify to any device now through FileWave Anywhere in multiple ways.

From the Devices pane you can send a Verify action to a single device:


Or you can send a Verify to MULTIPLE client devices:


You can also send a Verify from the individual device management page too:


Note that not all Client Monitor functions have been copied to the FileWave Anywhere console at this time, but you can see device status and send a Verify.  Additional features will be added over time, and this NAT support for Verify will also be added into the native admin console as well.