Deployment Targets
The Targets of a deployment are the endpoints that we'll define for deploying to. Targets allows us to choose individual devices, groups, smart groups and LDAP sources for our deployment. Targets also allows us to avoid deploying to certain devices or groups as well.
We'll want to define here the targets and exclusions:
Targets - What you want to receive Groups - Static, Smart Groups, and LDAP OUs to include Devices - Specific devices to include |
Exclusions - What you don't want to receive Groups - Static, Smart Groups and LDAP OUs to exclude Devices - Specific devices to exclude |
If left blank, the deployment can be saved, but without targets it won't send payloads anywhere. This may be nice for archival purposes.
- From the Targets tab.
- Select devices you want to get a payload(s). Either groups or individual devices
- (optional) Select exceptions, groups or devices you do not want to receive any payload(s)
- Save your work to finish later or next to finish creating your deployment
It would be very nice if there was a way to click on the Targets to view them within the Deployment, similar to the "Reveal Client/Group/Clone" button for Associations. Additionally, a column that shows the status of the deployment would be helpful, including if there were any errors. So for instance, there could be 3 columns: Successful, Pending, and Failed. If there was a count of each status, and a way to right-click and view the clients with each specific status, that could really help with troubleshooting, similar to the report tool in FileWave Admin.
In reply to #1
Thanks Sam. I'll log this note for you in Product Board ( ) and we are making it easier to get to Product Board by adding a menu item to get there right in FileWave Central and Anywhere menus.