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Dashboard Warning levels and Descriptions


The table below provides an overview of the information that is returned by the Dashboard in the FileWave Admin console.


FileWave Central Console


Item Description
Free Disk Space Free disk space on fwxserver (db location). Warning if < 50GB or < 20% Total space, Error if < 25GB or < 10% total space.
CPU Load CPU Load on fwxserver. Always OK.
Google Cloud Messaging Returns Google Cloud Messaging status. Cached 1 minute. Error if configuration is not correct.
OS X APN for Engage Returns OS X APN certificate status for Engage. Cached 1 minute. Warning if certificate expires in less than 30 days. Error if certificate is missing, expired, or Root certificate is missing.
Total Disk Space Total disk space on fwxserver (db location).
Client distribution Returns client OS distribution (OSX, Windows, iOS, Android...). Cached 1 minute.
Free RAM Free RAM on fwxserver. Always OK as some systems like OSX will free memory on demand only.
APN for MDM Returns APN certificate status for MDM. Cached 1 minute. Warning if certificate expires in less than 30 days. Error if certificate is missing, expired, or Root certificate is missing.
VPP Tokens Returns VPP tokens status. Cached 5 minutes. Warning if token expires in less than 30 days. Error if token is expired or incorrect.
FileWave Client/Mobile License Returns License Status. Cached 1 minute. If you have more than 50 licenses: warning if available count goes below 10, error when 0. If you have less than 50 licenses: warning if available count goes below 4, error when 0.
Entreprise app file (ipa) Check ipa status. Cached 1 hour. Warning if IPA file is local but does not have expected size. Error is IPA file is not on disk for local IPA, or not reachable for external IPAs.
DEP Accounts Returns DEP Accounts status. Cached 5 minutes. Warning if access token expires in less than 30 days. Error if token is expired or incorrect.
Email sent Returns Email sent status for the 7 past days. Cached 5 minutes. Warning if mails are still in the queue (not sent) Error if mails could not be sent (SMTP error). Note that we can't check if the POP/IMAP server rejected the mail. returns the following dict : 'success': , 'pending': , 'error': : , ...
Email settings Returns email settings status. Cached 5 minutes. Error if can't connect to SMTP server.
LDAP Extraction status LDAP Extraction status. Warning if one or more servers have not been contacted yet, Error if there was an error during extraction.
Total RAM Total RAM on fwxserver.
iOS APN for Engage Returns iOS APN certificate status for Engage. Cached 1 minute. Warning if certificate expires in less than 30 days. Error if certificate is missing, expired, or Root certificate is missing.
Smart Group Count Number of evaluated SmartGroups. Warning if last report occurred more than 1h ago, error if 2h ago.